According to the United Nations Environment Programme, Africa faces serious environmental challenges, including land degradation, deforestation, biodiversity loss and extreme vulnerability to climate change.
Africa has a rich natural resource base that includes soil, forest, rangeland, and freshwater and marine resources. Increased pressure on these resources from the rapidly growing population is compounded by the continent’s vulnerability to climate shocks such as recurrent drought and rising sea levels.
Since the 1990s, Morecom has been involved in a number of projects ranging from sea defence to deforestation reduction to ecological restorations.
Korle Lagoon Ecological Restoration Project
Sanitation and ecological restoration of Accra’s Korle Lagoon to:
safeguard people against health hazards, and
restore one of the most polluted ecosystems to its natural state.
The lagoon was cleaned and dredged, and steps were taken to create an effective water disposal system by constructing sewage pre-treatment plants and pumping stations, and installing a 1.5 km sea-outfall pipe; was implemented during 2000-2008.
Funding: Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, OPEC Fund for International Development, Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA) and the Government of Ghana and was executed by Dredging International.